The Ultimate Reset – Day 6

Here I am almost at the end of Week 1 (of 3) of The Ultimate Reset. I’d tell you I feel great, except the allergic reaction I am experiencing — which I wrote about yesterday — is quite annoying. At any rate, the symptoms are subsiding, so I hope the situation is more workable by tomorrow.

You might ask, how do I know it’s allergies and not a cold? The simple way to tell is that the snot is clear. An infection will have thick yellow or greenish snot. Okay, end of gross discussion.

Yesterday’s food was a challenge for me, because I got so wrapped around other projects that I blew it at suppertime. Plus I went off book for breakfast and lunch.


You may recall that I forgot to eat the farina for breakfast on Day 5, so I had it on Day 6. I had never tried farina before, and I didn’t want to miss out. You know what? It’s pretty good! Not a lot of flavor, but with blueberries and a little honey, I really enjoyed it.

The baked tempeh I was supposed to have for breakfast, then, I had for lunch, because I wanted to try it. I paired it with some quinoa salad with cucumber, tomato, avocado, and a little toasted sesame oil and red wine vinegar — delicious and going on my permanent menu — but the tempeh itself was merely okay. If I’m going to eat soy products, seems I prefer tofu.

Sadly, supper went a bit awry, timewise.

I didn’t go off-book for supper, which comprised a tasty cashew-zucchini soup, toasted millet, and roasted root veggies.

I was on top of the soup and millet, thrilled at having finally found millet at a local store and eager to try it.

For the soup, I had to soak cashews for an hour to soften them up and also steam zucchini. No problem, I was right on schedule.

When those items were almost done, I realized I’d forgotten to take the supplements I was supposed to take 30 minutes prior to the meal. Damn! So I took them, and went back to tending the toasting millet.

As I stirred the millet — which is a grain, btw, so it’s really a side dish — I said to myself, “What am I going to be eating with this?” At that point I remembered the roasted root vegetables. Double damn!

I turned the oven on to 450, quickly cut up a beet and a sweet potato, put them into a bowl, and microwaved them for about 6 minutes. Then I placed them into a roasting dish, sprayed them with some oil, added salt, and stuck them into the oven to roast.

I ate the soup while the veggies were roasting — delicious! I even ate the plain millet. Meh, but it was plain millet, so how great could it be. It was edible.

The beet and sweet potato were really tasty. I enjoy both those veggies, so no surprise there.


As with anything in life, planning is key. I really should have planned the meals, especially supper, better, but I am not really much for complicated meals, so I’m out of my element. Everything worked out okay. I guess that means it was no big deal, but it was really annoying at the time.

Also, I had a bit of a scare the next morning as I looked into the toilet — then I remembered the last thing I ate was a beet. Keep that in mind the morning of Day 7, so you don’t freak out.


The Ultimate Reset – Days 4 & 5


Breakfast on Day 4 introduced the mixed fruit plate, along with a slice of bread and some yogurt. For Day 5, I must have looked at the wrong week, because I accidentally ate a fruit plate when I should have had farina. That’s too bad, because, never having tried it before, I was looking forward to farina. I’ll have to give it a try on one of the upcoming fruit plate days, which is every breakfast for the last two weeks of the Reset.

Lunch on Day 4 was the Nori Rolls and Lentil Salad again, so I made the lentils into a stew again, threw the ingredients from the Nori Rolls into it, and at it all hot. Very tasty.

I was meeting someone for lunch on Day 5, but fortunately part of the lunch was a raw vegetable plate, so I ate the Quinoa Salad (with cucumbers and tomatoes) at home, and in place of the raw vegetable plate I had a salad at the restaurant. All good!

Dinner both nights was stir-fried veggies, but Day 4 paired it with quinoa — which I just love — while Day 5 paired it with brown rice. Very filling both days.


So far I am loving this. I don’t know how to explain it, but today when I was doing yoga, a particular DVD that I’ve done at least 10 times, I really felt in the zone, somehow. I just felt lighter and more in tune with what was going on. Not sure how else to describe it, but it sure felt great.

A bit of the burning in my eyes returned the afternoon of Day 5. Just a bit. I’ll continue to monitor it.

So far so good. The weekend looms ahead, as do my last 2 non-fruit-only breakfasts and some really interesting-looking meals, so I’m really looking forward to it.

The Ultimate Reset – Day 3

Day 3 presented me with some logistical challenges, because I needed to be out of the house (I work at home) during the time I usually take the Alkalinize supplement and also when I usually eat supper.

I didn’t time things well. I took my Alkalinize packet with me, wanting to consume it around the same time I usually do — 2:30 — but that didn’t work out, and then I lost track of time. So, as it turned out, I didn’t get my Alkalinize until 5:30, which meant I had to wait 2 hours before I could take my pre-meal supplements, and then a half-hour after that to eat supper. So … 8:00 was supper time — not outrageous, but generally I eat around 5:30, so it was pretty late for me.

At any rate, I am guessing that people who work outside their homes have many more logistical challenges than this small blip for me. They probably are more used to dealing with them, though.


How were the meals today? GREAT! I dunno, maybe I’m just hungry — although I don’t feel hungry — but the food so far is really good.

Breakfast was the same as day one: 2 eggs, whole wheat bread, spinach (yeah, I went and picked up some spinach, so I didn’t have to eat kale again), and a cup of fruit, which this time was a nectarine.

Lunch was pretty fantastic, the way I altered it, anyway. It was supposed to be green lentil salad and a chopped green salad, but I was like, “why do I want to eat 2 salads?”, so I made the lentils into soup. It included carrots, shallots, cilantro, toasted sesame oil, and, of course, lentils. I hadn’t used French green lentils before. They are really nice, retaining their firmness much better than their brown cousins. The soup — well, it was more of a stew, actually — was delicious.

My late supper was something I would have altered, had I been home to prep it, but, because I knew I’d be out, I made it ahead of time. The cucumber salad was very nice, with rice wine and red vinegars, plus some toasted sesame seeds and seaweed. The miso soup I made from a package. It was good. It was the nori roll that I probably would have reconfigured as a cooked and served hot meal, rather than as a cold sushi style roll. I think the rice, carrots, cucumbers, and smoked tempeh (a soy-based bacon substitute for vegans, something I had not tried before, but which is very tasty) would have made a good hot rice dish. Even cold from the fridge, though, the nori roll was very good.


  • I feel really good. Supposedly days 3 and 4 are the bears to get through. For me it was Day 1 — Days 2 and 3 were a breeze.
  • I am extremely happy with the food I’m eating so far. I have tried several new foods already, and they have all been tasty, things I’m glad to now have in my arsenal. (Kale may become one of them — I must not be cooking it long enough.)
  • The burning sensation in my eyes is almost negligible, relative to what I’m accustomed to. Not sure what to make of that, but I like it.


The Ultimate Reset – Day 2

As bad as I felt yesterday is as good as I feel today, which means great. Yup, I feel great! No burning eyes. Energetic. Meh. It’s early (12:30pm). We’ll see where the day takes me.


It’s 9:00pm now, and I still feel pretty good. Getting tired. Eyes feel good. Still no headache.

Here’s the meal rundown.

Breakfast was delicious with a bowl of steel-cut oats combined with a cup of blueberries and some walnuts, plus a half-cup of plain yogurt with a bit of honey.

Lunch was a Greek salad — tomato, cucumber, lettuce, olives, homemade dressing — plus a chicken breast.

Supper of black beans and rice was so good that I put up a recipe post about it.

I again went off-book for a few things, primarily the spices. For the most part, I just don’t need them! A little salt on the chicken makes it taste fine. The homemade dressing I made today was Dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, and balsamic vinegar. I left out all the spices. It was very good!

For supper I just didn’t bother with the plan. I used all the ingredients to make some great Black Beans & Rice (with avocado, tomatoes, and shallots, plus pine nuts).

All in all, it’s nice to be able to eat on a cleanse. I haven’t felt hungry and the food is good. Of course, this is only day 2 of 21, so we’ll have to see what is coming up.

RECIPE: World’s Best Black Beans & Rice

I embarked on a cleanse yesterday, The Ultimate Reset. It lasts 3 weeks and has meals fully planned out, complete with recipes and everything.

Tonight’s dinner was supposed to be black beans with rice, along with some guacamole and salsa. Well, I didn’t feel like making guacamole and I didn’t have any salsa….

That’s how I happened upon my recipe for The World’s Best Black Beans & Rice. I thought it was going to be good, and I’m a little pissed that I didn’t snap a photo. Next time.


  • 1 small avocado
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 Tbsp diced shallot
  • 2 Tbsp pine nuts
  • 3/4 cup cooked small grain brown rice (I prefer the small grain rice because of the size and texture)
  • 1/2 cup canned low sodium black beans (I like low sodium, so I can add my own salt)
  • Salt, to taste


  1. Start the rice cooking according to the instructions on the package. Brown rice usually takes around 45 minutes, so be sure to give yourself enough lead time.
  2. After you have the rice going, dice the tomato, but not too small. Do the same with the avocado. You want them to be pretty chunky so they stand out from the beans and rice.
  3. Combine the tomato and avocado in a bowl.
  4. Add the diced shallot to the tomato and avocado, add a pinch or two of salt, and stir to combine. Set aside.
  5. Cook the beans on the stovetop or microwave so they are done at about the same time the rice is. Drain them when they are done cooking — you don’t need the packing liquid.
  6. Combine the rice and beans on your dinner plate. Put the avocado-tomato-shallot mixture over the top of the rice and beans. You may want to spoon it in, so you don’t get all the juice, although the juice is tasty.
  7. Add the pine nuts over the top of it all.
  8. At this point, you can mix everything together on your plate or eat it as is. Up to you. Either way, it’s delicious!

Makes 1 serving.