Some amazing results from The Ultimate Reset

You may know that I am a Beachbody Coach, a Tony Horton fanboy, and a Shaun T insaniac. But I am not a blind follower. I learned the dangers of that type of faith when I was quite young, so I am wary of it … always.

I believe nothing.

In fact, I once had a college professor tell a friend of mine that, “If god came down from heaven and told Steve that 2 + 2 = 4, Steve would argue with him about it.”

I believe that to be an overstatement, but it does speak to the fact that I take no authority figure at face value. You have to prove yourself to me.

So it was with no small amount of skepticism that I entered into The Ultimate Reset. I’d seen the testimonials about losing weight & inches, lowering cholesterol, but, of course, Beachbody would only put the good results out to the public, right?

Nevertheless, I enjoy a challenge, and what could be more challenging to a carnivorous workout fanatic than 21 days of near-veganism with no strenuous exercise allowed?

You can read about my Ultimate Results results here, but what I wanted to share in this article are some results from other people, others I’ve been discussing Reset with on Facebook.

From DJ, a diabetic:
“Monday was Day 21 of the Ultimate Reset. I have learned so much about cooking, spices and vegetables new and old on how to properly prepare them. I hope to do the Reset once a year. My numbers: 8lb weight loss, 11.5 inches in total (5.75 of that is the Ab area) BP 109/69, BMI 33.1 down 1.3, Blood Sugar this morning 115! WhooHoo. I feel great…more focused, energetic, feel good all around.”

From CC:
“I did The Ultimate Reset with, and mostly for, my wife, but wow … I’m a believer foooshoooo!

  • Weight: Pre – 167 Post – 158 = 9 lb loss
  • Waist: Pre – 36.5 Post – 35 = 1.5” loss
  • Total cholesterol: Pre – 197 Post – 157 = 40pt loss”

From KMK:
“Ultimate Reset complete! Results: 15 lbs. lost, 7 inches gone, sugar addiction kicked, after dinner snacking no more, and tons of new healthy habits gained!! SO WORTH IT. Feeling great!”

From IG:
I finally had my doctor appointment to get my test results from after the Reset. Before the reset my total cholesterol was 202, my LDL was 103, and my triglycerides were 274. After….total cholesterol was 155, LDL is 87, and my triglycerides are 139! My doctor literally asked me “What the hell did you do to get amazing results like this?” She said she has never seen anything like that in a three week period. So….I told her ALL ABOUT THE RESET! Sooo amazing how that little bit of information literally made my month 😉

From CB:
“Yay!!! I did it!

What I’m leaving behind:

  • 12.2 lb weight loss
  • 6 inches overall loss
  • Artificial Sweetener
  • Minimizing processed foods
  • Soda
  • (I’m not leaving coffee behind, but will be drinking black, Dandy Blend or sweetened with Stevia or Agave) 🙂

What I am gaining:

  • A completely new appreciation for whole foods
  • Amazing recipes
  • A healthier family
  • A healthier me”

From TNC:
“I went to my doctor yesterday to get my blood work done. He was clicking away on his laptop, asking routine questions, when he suddenly stopped typing, looked up, stared when I told him my results so far. He was blown away and wanted more information on what plan I had used. He said that my results were what they hoped people could sustainably achieve in a year. My total cholesterol went from 238 to 165 and my LDLs were down from 143 to 77!!!!”

From SZ:
“Lost 10.2 pounds and 5.5 inches. Cholesterol was 156 now 123.”

From DS, about his Parents:
“My parents finished and Mom lost 12 1/2 lbs, 13 1/4 total inches, Dad lost 18 1/2 lbs, 14 1/2 total inches. Dad’s total cholesterol is down from 240 to 160. WOW. Mom’s went from 202 to 171.”

From DV:
“Officially endend Ultimate Reset Sunday. I am down 13.5 lbs and 10.5 total inches! This is the most I have lost in a year. For some odd reason my body did not lose weight despite everything I did. I am feeling great, energized, relaxed and have tons of energy. I noticed in week two of the reset that my hair was not falling as much as it used to. My favorite part of the Reset was that I let go of alot of mental emotional baggage. I feel like a whole new person.”

From SM:
“Official results after Reset: Cholesterol 164 – down from 233. Triglycerides 99 – down from 274. LDL 101 – down from 133. What is also awesome is my A1C is now 5.3!! Huge improvement.”

From HLS, about her husband:
“Ultimate Reset numbers are in! My husband’s cholesterol is down to 143 from 181. His LDL (bad cholesterol) is down from 110 to 85. HDL (good cholesterol) is up 1 to 32. His Triglycerides were 199 and are now down 68 pts to 130!”

From RS:
“Took my final weight and measurements. I’m down 18 lbs and a total of 14 inches!!!”

From RMN:
“So after 21 days of the Ultimate Rest my labs are back. My cholesterol dropped from 298 to 187 and I lost 16 pounds…. Clean eating is the way to go!! It is the first time in 5 years that I have had normal labs! NO medication necessary any longer! WWHOOO HOO! Still have a ways to go but I am on track.”

From DA:
“Total losses for The Ultimate Reset: 15.2 pounds, 3 inches at the bellybutton, and 2 inches at the waist. I’d say that qualifies as a success! The bigger news is that I’m actually sleeping without meds. I haven’t used Lunesta since starting The Reset. Now, don’t misunderstand — I’m not sleeping like a normal person by any means. I still wake up 3-4 times per night — mostly to pee, because of all the damned water I’ve been drinking — but I do actually fall asleep when I go to bed, and spend more of the night sleeping than thrashing around chasing sleep, as I was before. Steve, I can’t stress enough how HUGE this is! I feel better about myself and my health than I have in years. I have an appreciation for healthy, clean food that I all but lost as a busy adult in a processed food world. I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thanks for turning me on to The Reset!”

These are real results from real people. What are you waiting for? Give The Ultimate Reset a try.


If you are not already a Beachbody customer and you purchase The Ultimate Reset through links on this website, I will be your Coach through the program and beyond that.

Remember, I am no gym rat! I am just a regular guy who was 5’10″/235 and is now 5’10″/160, so I understand the struggles of trying to lose weight.

In fact, it’s taken me 5 years to lose that 75 pounds, and I believe I can help you do it faster, because I took some wrong turns in there that I can help you avoid.

Btw, if you are already a Beachbody customer, but you don’t even know who your Coach is, because they’ve never contacted you to see how your are doing or to offer advice, you can switch over to me as your coach. Just ask Beachbody Customer Service to switch you over to Coach #51742.

Take control of your fitness. Get started on The Ultimate Reset today.