In my search for the truth about health and nutrition I’ve happened across a lot of different viewpoints. I am quite sure that the vast majority of those viewpoints are driven by money and politics.
For the politics, please read Taubes’s Good Calories, Bad Calories.
For the money, please use your brain.
Let’s say someone like me, for example, starts up a blog in good faith, just as I did. I write this blog to help you in your quest to better health and fitness, and also to help myself stay on track.
Now let’s say that I take a hard core primal stance, like Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple.
(I am not going to do that, because I am looking for the truth, and I am convinced that once you think you’ve found it, you are surely wrong.)
But let’s say I do. All’s well and good now, because paleo/primal/low carb is all the rage. Even science is finally coming around. Wow, I can now start up my own supplement company, make tons of money on that, write books and cookbooks. Get rich on something that really just started as a hobby.
But wait. A few years down the road the tide turns. New incontrovertible evidence (in the future, I’m conjecturing) shows that primal eating causes cancer of the pancreas and stomach. It is to those organs what smoking is to the lungs. What now? Do I accept this evidence or do I gainsay it and continue making money with my primal attitude?
Well, scientific evidence that is contrary to prevailing opinion has been ignored for many years, proving it’s easy to do, so odds are, if I’m getting rich, I will try to gainsay the science and continue to rake in the bucks from my primal empire.
Now, I am not saying that I would do this — I am a good guy with an honest search for the truth driving me — but the low-fat people have done it for many years, and, in fact, continue to do it, because they are making big money. Am I any better than they are?
What’s the point of what I just said? Simply this: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!
Your body will tell you if your diet and exercise programs are working. Are you losing fat? Are you gaining muscle? Are you hungry all the time? Do you feel weak or tired? All these are indicators of whether or not what you are doing is working for you.
Everyone is not the same. There is no magic to shaping and reshaping your body. There is no miracle to staying healthy. What works for one person may not work for another person. Try things out. Give them a good go, a month or two. If you don’t feel better at the end of that period of time, try something else.
Just because your best friend lost 27 pounds on a low-carb diet, doesn’t mean that’s right for you. (Hey, did she gain all that back and more after she went off that diet? Yeah, that’s what I thought.)
Find what works for you, commit to it, and make it a lifestyle. You’ll be happier and healthier for it.