Noom and me — one year later

It’s been a year since I signed up with Noom. Here are some facts.

First the negative.

  • My current diet is not what I’d like it to be. Specifically, I eat way too much sugar, mostly in the form of cookies (okay, Oreos).
  • My arthritis has been acting up in my right index finger and my right big toe.
  • My sleep is still not great. I continue to struggle with getting back to sleep when I wake up early, which is far too often.

Now the positive.

  • My weight is around 160 pounds, which is 15 pounds below my original goal, and 10 pounds below my stretch goal.
  • I’ve been holding steady around 160 pounds for three months. This morning I weighed in at 158.2.
  • My grasp of the Noom principles is still intact and manifests itself primarily in my eating less and exercising more. When I overeat those cookies, I know it, and respect the impact that has on my life.
  • My exercise level is pretty good, because I’m able to play disc golf almost daily.
  • I also am still planking regularly to keep my upper body and core more engaged.
  • I feel generally pretty good.
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