World’s Best Vegan Baked Oatmeal

vegan baked oatmeal on a plate with blueberries, a blackberry, and a fork

My partner Fálki and I eat a lot of oatmeal. It’s a healthy choice for breakfast, although I know I tend to add more maple syrup than I probably should. C’est la vie.

I change things up by sometimes making Scottish oats or Irish oats, but usually I stick with rolled oats. Or maybe I’ll add strawberries or blueberries. Or some coconut-based yogurt.

Still, it gets boring.

Then one day I happened upon a recipe for vegan baked oatmeal in a Facebook group that revolves around eating a kidney-friendly, plant-based diet. I made it the next morning, and it was so good!

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Noom is still great after two years!

It’s October, 2021, so that means it’s been about two years since I signed up with Noom, and I still feel great about the program!

That’s not to say that I don’t fail more now than when I started. I do. For example, last night I had the equivalent of 4 servings of Barbara’s Spoonfuls, my favorite cereal. That’s 4 cups of a “red” food. Not a perfect choice.

In my defense, I had only eaten a small meal around 9am, and when I finally was able to eat again at 5pm, I was pretty hungry. Also, I added fresh blueberries, so that makes it better, right? (It does, but…)

(On a sidenote, I bought some walnut milk to try out, and I used it on the cereal. I like it! My go-to is cashew milk, but walnut milk is definitely delicious. Only slightly nutty, and with a thick, rich texture.)

Anyway, but, yes, I fail, and fail often.

However, when I looked over my article from a year ago, I see that back then I was eating way too much sugar. I don’t do that any more. I got off the ice cream and cookie kick I was on.

Cutting way back on sweets, I think, has also helped the arthritis in my right index finger and right big toe, because sugar is known to encourage inflammation, so keeping my sugar levels lower as I get older is one of my goals.

Unfortunately, my sleep is still not great. I continue to struggle to get back to sleep after I wake in the middle of the night. I am resigned to that, although I hope someday I’ll sleep better, because those occasional nights when I make it all the way through 6.5 to 7 hours of solid sleep feel so good!

Continue reading “Noom is still great after two years!”

Tracking my food intake and my steps

To go along with my Noom program, I’m tracking all my food intake. Now, I’m not getting crazy here. Not yet, anyway. I’m only tracking the food and the number of calories.

In the past I’d create an Excel spreadsheet with calories along with a breakdown of grams of fat, protein, and carb, plus fiber. Not this time!

I’m tracking everything at Google Sheets, which, in case you don’t know, is like Excel on the web.

Tracking my food is one of the great ways to keep myself from eating junk. If I have to enter it into a spreadsheet, I am far less likely to consume it.

The potato chips I ate last night seem to belie this. Maybe I’m kidding myself. But at least I’m tracking!

Continue reading “Tracking my food intake and my steps”

The Easy Way to Get Healthy

I was recently disturbed by something I saw on Facebook. (I know I shouldn’t take things so seriously, but, honestly, some things are just disturbing.)

One of the people in my timeline had posted a status update about some fitness program he is doing, how he loves it, is losing weight, his cholesterol is going down, you know, the kind of weird post that only fitness fanatics can love.

In the comments section, the conversation went something like this:

  • Commenter: Wow, that sounds great, Original Poster. I have been looking for something like that myself.
  • Original Poster: It is great, Commenter.  You should give it a try!
  • Commenter: Maybe I’ll do that. Is it easy? It has to be easy, or I won’t do it.
  • Original Poster: It’s not easy, but anything worth doing isn’t easy.

And the Commenter was not heard from again.

Getting fit is definitely not easy. It takes hard work to build muscle, because the only way to build it is to tear it down first by lifting heavy objects.

But wait a minute.

Getting fit is one thing. Fitness involves building muscle and aerobic stamina. There is almost no way to make that easy. It takes time and effort, like one of the fitness programs in the ads on this page.

However, getting healthy is a different matter.

I mean, sure, they tend to go hand in hand, but, honestly, you can get healthy — e.g. get your blood pressure and cholesterol down, avoid heart disease, severely lower your risk of cancer — relatively easily. All you have to do is change the way you eat.

You are going to eat anyway, right? 75% to 80% of your body composition is determined by what you eat, right? So … why not just eat the right things? Assuming you don’t have access to some kind of magic wand, what can be easier than that?

Well, maybe it’s not so easy. After all, there are some things that make it difficult for people to change the way they eat.

  • Ingrained beliefs – We learn what is good and bad for us as children, and what we learned way back then tends to stick. We have a hard time overcoming those beliefs that were hammered into us all those years ago.
  • Disbelief – How can being healthy be as simple as changing what I put into my digestive tract?
  • Not wanting to stand out  – As humans living in society, we tend to be continually influenced by peer, family, and other social pressures, and many of us simply want to fit in. Why stand out from the crowd because we “eat weird”?
  • Playing the odds – That [insert ailment or disease here] won’t happen to me, right?

The funny thing is that most of those barriers to healthy eating go away once we suffer some kind of medical trauma, like a heart attack or stroke. Once that happens, oh, yeah, then we are ready to make a change.

That is kind of like installing the alarm after the burglary. Sure, you may help prevent future problems, but you are lucky that first incident didn’t put you under.

I prefer to take preventive measures to avoid the issue altogether, and the current route I am taking toward staying healthy is a plant-based diet. When I use the term “diet”, by the way, I am referring to a way of eating, not a short-term plan.

Why plant-based? Check out this short written interview with T. Colin Campbell for a quick rundown.

Plant-based is my choice, but yours might be different.

Whatever you choose, please know that you can be much more healthy if you simply change the way you eat! Be conscious of what you put into your mouth. Stay away from all that refined and processed food. Try to eat whole foods. If you include meat, try to get the good stuff without all the drugs and other gunk in it. Keep dietary fats low.

Eat to satisfy your hunger, not your emotions, and, while you won’t see the changes overnight, you may be surprised how quickly your health improves.

Is soy dangerous?

I have still not looked that deeply into soy, but public opinion seems to be split on it, so I keep my intake rather low to hedge my bets until I can figure it out. Being the cynic that I am, it’s hard for me to believe anything, and, in fact, I really don’t put my faith 100% anywhere, so it takes me a while to get a handle on some concepts, especially one with such a diversity of opinions, all with, of course, scientific evidence to back them up.

I used to drink a lot of soymilk, but a few years ago my friend Hans told me how much better almond milk was for me — he was buying into anti-soy rhetoric, which, as I said, may indeed be valid, but I just don’t know. Anyway, I tried almond milk and immediately switched, primarily because almond milk just tastes a lot better than soy milk.

Outside soy milk, which I used in my breakfast cereal and protein shakes, I didn’t really eat soy, except for soy sauce sometimes, and a little tofu here and there from Pei Wei, which has the best tasting tofu, I think, although I cannot to speak to its nutritional value ;=)

Well, that was then, and this is now. Then I was consuming a lot of animal protein. Now I am eating mostly vegan, so I need my plant-based protein, and soy products like tempeh, tofu, and edamame are really good sources of it. I mean, soy is eaten by a large percentage of the world’s population, so my cynicism tells me that most of the anti-soy rap has been generated by the meat industry, which sees soy as stiff competition.

Soy or no soy, well, life doesn’t really boil down to that, now does it? I mean, how can we possibly know what one particular ingredient does to our bodies? There is simply too much going on inside for one ingredient to be “the one thing” that will either kill or cure us, right?

I fact, I am at the point where I cannot even continue to demonize sugar, because there is a lot of sugar in the good fruits we should eat. Okay, maybe refined sugars and flours are bad for us, but perhaps that is simply a problem of volume, and if we only ate a little of that stuff, we’d be fine, right?

Ultimately, it’s virtually impossible to know the answers. The body interacts with the nutrients we ingest in so many ways, there are too many factors to determine what a particular ingredient does inside us. We have a hard time knowing whether it ever makes it to where it needs to be, or whether it has the opportunity to do the damage or uplift the health the way researchers claim it can do.

So what I currently do is strive to eat a lot of plants, and even, on rare occasions, some fish or eggs, and that should be me as close to “okay” as I can get. That’s my take on it for today, anyway. As you may have noticed, I am always open to change, if the right evidence comes along.

But I’ll tell you, I’ve been through a lot up to now, and a whole foods plant-based diet, including soy, seems right.