It’s been three weeks since I posted this update — and my waistline has not budged since.
To summarize, after many months of my waistline not shrinking beyond the fantastic losses I had experienced early on in my fitness quest, I had gone back to calorie-counting to try to lose some more inches of fat. I put myself back on a 2000-calorie (give or take) diet, shooting for 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat. Within a couple weeks, I’d lost an inch off my waist.
Three weeks later, however, my waist size is still the same as it was after losing that first inch.
I am not sure what to make of this. Admittedly, I do not measure other parts of my body to see if there are changes there. Maybe the fat is coming off other places. But it doesn’t seem to be coming off my waist.
I’m going to give this another couple weeks, through the end of March, and then evaluate whether I need to go to more extreme measures. Yes, it’s getting to be a bit of an obsession.
I’m actually kinda glad about that. I don’t want to lose my drive for fitness, get discouraged, quit. At this point, quitting would not be an easy thing to do, though. I know too much. I have seen too many great changes in my body. I can’t go back to what I was.
So, the diet is going great. I am not seeing the changes I want to necessarily see in my body, but I am still eating food I love and not going hungry, so I hope the rest will take care of itself.