Insanity: The Asylum – DAY 11 – “Game Day”

Yesterday, Day 10, was just “Recovery” again, so I didn’t bother posting about that, but I did put up a little comparison of P90X and P90X2.

Today, however, was a huge day in The Asylum, because it was “Game Day”.

This is a 60-minute workout and it is a KILLER! I ain’t kidding.

Shaun T's AsylumThe basic concept behind “Game Day” is that we are involved in a series of athletic competitions and must really bring it to win.

After a short warmup, we go into what Shaun T calls a 1-mile run. There is variety throughout the mile, as Shaun T leads us through high knees for speed, butt kicks while going downhill, single-arm horizontal runs for uphills. This is followed by 100-meter dashes and long jumps.

Basketball jumpshots and layups were next, followed by a series of wrestling maneuvers that will test your whole body.

On to soccer. We do a series of kicks until we are doing 8 in a row, then we juggle an imaginary ball with our feet for a minute.

Tennis, anyone? Side to side through the agility ladder, doing forehands and backhands, then forward and back to volley and slam.

Speed skating was next on tap with sprints and coasting, both very hard on the legs.

The swimming drill killed me. It involved lying on the stomach, holding shoulders and legs up, while moving straight arms behind the back then around over the head, sort of a breast stroke. It doesn’t sound hard, but…. We stayed in the water, because surfing was next, with a paddle out to waves, and quick jumps onto the board for a ride. Paddle, ride, paddle, ride, and so on.

Now for some familiar Shaun T football drills, with a few moves added. Then came rock climbing drills on the chinup bar or the floor. That late in the workout, I only did a couple on the chinup bar before I went to the floor.

We finished up with some baseball drills that were not too difficult, but they didn’t need to be.

Cooldown and out.

This was a very tough routine, even harder than “Vertical Plyo“. It’s a full 57 minutes of workout with a 3-minute cooldown at the end. Not for the feint of heart or body, that’s for sure. And, get this — I looked ahead in the schedule. The next two times we do “Game Day” we also do an extra bit of “Overtime”.

Shaun T is going to kill me!