Insanity: The Asylum – DAY 9 – “Vertical Plyo”

Shaun T's AsylumOkay, so yesterday it was allergies dogging me out, and today, I dunno what I did to my left ankle, but I tweaked it somehow, and when I woke up this morning, it was a bit painful.

Just a bit, but enough to make me consider skipping “Vertical Plyo” today, because this is the hardest workout in The Asylum so far.

The ankle loosened up a bit as the morning wore on. I took the dog for a walk. Felt okay. Going up and down the stairs I could still feel it, but not as much.

And, anyway, I am not here to make excuses. I need to get a workout in. If the ankle isn’t broken, let’s do this!

So I did.

Wow, “Vertical Plyo” really is a difficult routine, even the second time through. I did feel stronger this time, though. I did more of the Single-Leg Power Jumps at the end.

Even so, tomorrow is “Relief” and that is a relief to me — and to my ankle. There is still a bit of pain there, but not nearly as much as when I first woke up, so I’m guessing it just needs a good talking to.