I’ve discovered the key to Insanity!

This is not all that big a revelation, and, yeah, sometimes I’m a little slow on the uptake, but bear with me.

The key to Insanity is that you are not expected to be able to complete the workouts!

Now that I have hit upon this, I find it to be quite obvious.

The individuals participating in the videos are taking breaks, some of them many more than I am. Even Shaun T, who spends most of his time coaching, i.e. not working out, takes breaks when he jumps in to participate.

The level of exertion during these routines is huge. It’s huge by design so we will try to push ourselves as far as we possibly can.

And that, simply put, is the key to Insanity. Do the videos all the way through, pushing yourself as far as you can, but take as many breaks as you need. Stop the DVD after each interval for a longer break.

Keep trying to finish the workouts, but don’t be discouraged that you can’t. You are not supposed to be able to.